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By Faith & Not By Sight

I realise I haven't written a a blog post in months and that is purely down to the fact that life has just been so busy. But I have decided that today I'm going to sit down and just appreciate it all.

My life at the moment is majorly busy due to having a practical dissertation to be focusing my mind onto, but then also I have to do a portfolio about a Theatre Company in Europe, I also need to be thinking about what I am going to do with my life next year and so many other little bits and pieces here and there. It's actually really overwhelming. I know that I could not get through all of this alone and that through my faith in God + my hard work will get me to where HE wants me to be.

At the moment I'm looking at hopefully moving to Edinburgh when I graduate and I have many reasons as to why. Firstly Hillsong Church in Edinburgh is very much on my heart at the moment and I believe theres a reason for that, secondly Nathan lives there and will be there for at least another year and it would be GREAT to say goodbye to long distance rather than to each other, and lastly Edinburgh holds so many more opportunities within the theatre industry. However, I dream BIG and I find it very difficult to differentiate between my hopes and dreams and God's hopes and dreams and so I know I have to give this whole situation to God and he will show me the way to go. It is all very strange at the moment because my life is in that limbo stage where there are so many questions that could have such a wide variety of answers and I don't know where I will end up. So it is by faith and not by sight that I go on this journey.

"The LORD is my light and my salvation, whom then shall I fear? The LORD is my stronghold of my life, of whom then shall I be afraid?"

Psalm 27:1

Much Love x

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